A Beachfront Family Retreat




Exit the Maine Turnpike (I-95) at Exit 36 (Saco – Old Orchard Beach).  Travel straight for 2.6 miles until you reach a small rotary.  Continue traveling straight ahead toward Ocean Park, keeping the 7-Eleven store to your immediate left. Stay on Temple Avenue.  Continue eastward for about 1.2 miles to intersect with West Grand Avenue.  Turn right onto West Grand Avenue in a southerly direction.  At that point, you will be 2.25 miles from the Peekytoe Cottage.  As you cross the Goosefare Brook Bridge, West Grand becomes Seaside Avenue in Saco. As you near the Peekytoe Cottage, you will notice a series of side streets to your left leading to the Beach. Look for Beacon Avenue, Sunrise Avenue, and Sunset Avenue on your left in quick succession . After Sunset you will come to a stop sign. Turn left at the stop sign onto Lower Beach Road. The Peekytoe Cottage is the last house on the right, directly on the beach.